Max Fisher finds ”bad news for Tehran” in the results of a recent Pew survey on views towards Iran:
Perhaps most consequential for Tehran are the negative views of Iran held in East Asia, particularly Japan and China, two crucial buyers of Iranian energy resources. While Asian economies have not joined the severe European and American sanctions against the Iranian energy industry and do not appear poised to do so soon, they do seem to be increasingly reluctant about importing from Iran.Even the data from countries with a favorable view of Iran showed a troubling trend:
Pakistan, the one surveyed country where Iran is popular, appears to be slackening in its support for the fellow Islamic state and bastion of anti-Western resistance. The January Pew poll found that 79 percent of Pakistanis support Iran, but the new number is 69 percent. That’s still pretty high in both absolute and relative terms, but it’s hard to miss the significant quick drop in pro-Iranian attitude.

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