Censored Firefly Poster of the Day: James Miller, a theatre professor at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, decorated his office door with a poster of Captain Mal Reynolds from Firefly, along with the Mal quote, “You don’t know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake. You’ll be facing me. And you’ll be armed.”
The campus police didn’t think a reference to killing on a professor’s office door was appropriate — never mind that Mal’s point was about honor and fighting fair — so they tore it down and warned Miller that further posters would count as “disorderly conduct.”
His next poster was a “Fascism warning,” which read, “Fascism can cause blunt head trauma and/or violent death. Keep fascism away from children and pets.”
The reference to “violent death” got that one torn down too.
No word on what’s on Prof. Miller’s door right now or whether campus Browncoats are organizing a protest. Nathan Fillion, who played Captain Mal, weighed in via Twitter, calling the situation “Another example of ‘Just relax.’”
Tagged: censorship, controversy, door signs, firefly, poster, prof. james miller, university of wisconsin-stout

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