The State of The Nation!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Former IRS Commissioner: I visited WH once in four years; Update: Did Shulman actually attend those meetings?

Former IRS Commissioner: I visited WH once in four years; Update: Did Shulman actually attend those meetings?:

"That's an unusual fact pattern."

Former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House so often that he averaged one visit per week, far more than most if not all of Obama’s Cabinet members.  His successor, Steve Miller, visited about once a month, according to White House logs.  Shulman visited the West Wing three times more often than his boss, [...]
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Update on small children being mercilessly punished for, e.g., gnawing a pastry into a gun shape at school

Update on small children being mercilessly punished for, e.g., gnawing a pastry into a gun shape at school:
Kevin at Lowering the Bar updates us on the Lego Gun Incident, wherein a six-year-old boy was punished for bringing a tiny, Lego-sized gun onto his Springfield, MA school-bus. The school initially demanded that the boy write a letter of apology and serve detention because the gun "caused quite a disturbance on the bus and that the children were traumatized." However, the same zero-tolerance-obssessed nutjobs at the school board also put CCTVs on their buses, and a review of the footage therefrom reveals that nothing bad actually happened. This has occasioned a small miracle in the form of the school board simply dropping the matter, rather than doubling down and, say, accusing the six-year-old of using a tiny, Lego-sized computer to hack into the CCTV and swap out the footage or similar.
However, Kevin goes on to note that a child in Baltimore continues to struggle with the permanent stain on his record caused by his taking bites out of a pastry until it was vaguely gun-shaped, thereby traumatising all the other students by exposing them to an approximate right-angle. This kid is having the book thrown at him:
"This is a student-specific matter," the spokesman said, in case anyone thought they had suspended every student in the district, "and our school system is not going to have any comment on it, except for this: This is a matter between the school, a student and his parents. It's not, and it should not be, fodder for a publicity stunt by an attorney who seems to believe that his young client's best interests are somehow served by trying this case in the media." News flash: this has been in the media since long before they ever had an attorney, and that is not their fault.
The next step was said to be an appeal to the superintendent of schools, so the battle continues.
Lego Gun Incident Ends Better Than Pastry Gun Incident

Obama explains lipstick on his collar | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Obama explains lipstick on his collar | The Ticket - Yahoo! News:

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Liberal Hypocrisy Isn’t Free

Liberal Hypocrisy Isn’t Free:

To drone or not to drone? President Barack Obama recently demonstrated his most valuable political talent – fooling liberals into supporting Bush policies under another name. Obama’s latest soliloquy on his personal struggles in justifying his actions as president hit just the right tone for every establishment apologist liberal. Yes, Obama was carrying on Bush Administration policies and in some cases introducing even worse violations of civil rights, but he is really struggling with it. He is really giving it a lot of thought. And really, isn’t that what matters?
Before the speech previous liberal watchdogs became Obama Administration lapdogs when it broke that Obama’s DOJ was spying on journalists. Think Progress decided  government spying was OK once a Democrat did it while Media Matters tried to dishonestly re-frame the debate. And now after Obama does his Hamlet routine, the commissars are at it again.
The New York Times, seemingly channeling Judith Miller after getting an exclusive, claimed Obama was acting to “curtail drones” despite this is no way the case. Nowhere in his speech did he offer any new limitations on drone strikes let alone, as a Times editorial later said, propose an end to perpetual war – it didn’t happen. Obama simply thought out loud about the consequences of his belligerence. He thought about the consequences of drone strikes on Americans, torture at Gitmo, and the degradation perpetual war has on open societies. President Obama never said he would change his policies, he just acknowledged the validity of the criticism of his policies. Admitting flaws in your policy and changing your policy are two very different things.
But the real issue is the consequences of knee-jerk liberals offering support to the Bush/Obama policies. The rank partisan hypocrisy shown by groups and individuals that opposed Bush’s application of the same policies now supporting Obama is beyond shameful – it’s dangerous. When the next Republican president begins assassinating Americans without a trial or spying on journalists what exactly are these people supposed to say? “We oppose this now because you have an R next to your name.” Not exactly convincing. The liberals accepting and promoting Obama’s extreme executive power policies are destroying any credibility they will have in opposing a future conservative administration’s application of that authority.
What does this mean? It means mobilizing opposition to future executive branch power grabs or rolling back current ones becomes considerably more difficult. It means perpetual war and the degenerating effects it has on an increasingly less free society will continue. And it means that the next Bush will be inoculated from a good deal of criticism because potential dissenters have de-legitimized themselves by supporting violations of civil liberties and international law today.
Liberal hypocrisy isn’t free. We are going to be paying for it for years to come.
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House panel probes whether Holder misled lawmakers on reporter records grab | Fox News

House panel probes whether Holder misled lawmakers on reporter records grab | Fox News:

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Friday, May 24, 2013

Good news from the “New Yorker”: Unlike Bush, Obama’s pretty conflicted about all the people he’s killing

Good news from the “New Yorker”: Unlike Bush, Obama’s pretty conflicted about all the people he’s killing:


Via Matt Welch, behold the ne plus ultra of Obama counterterror apologetics courtesy of “New Yorker” contributor Jane Mayer. The next time The One launches a war that even his own lawyers think is illegal or drops a bomb on someone in Yemen because their movements are suspicious or detains someone indefinitely without trial, know [...]
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Attack Casts Spotlight on Radical Preachers - ABC News

Attack Casts Spotlight on Radical Preachers - ABC News:

ABC News

Attack Casts Spotlight on Radical Preachers
ABC News
The slaying of a British soldier in southeast London cast a spotlight on radical preachers that influenced Michael Adebolajo, the attacker seen in videos with bloody hands holding a butcher knife. It also raised questions about the reach of the terrorist group ...

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2 on Diverted Pakistani Plane Made Threats They Called Jokes -

2 on Diverted Pakistani Plane Made Threats They Called Jokes -

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

British troops told not to wear uniforms outside bases after yesterday’s attack in London

British troops told not to wear uniforms outside bases after yesterday’s attack in London:


Hard to imagine a more demoralizing order for a soldier than to tell him to take off the uniform and hide after an enemy’s attack. And the powers that be know it: They’re stressing that the order’s temporary in order to blunt public indignation over their decision. The twisted punchline here is that the victim [...]
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The Muslim Brotherhood Is Ruining Egypt - Business Insider

The Muslim Brotherhood Is Ruining Egypt - Business Insider:

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Lee Rigby, Soldier and Drummer, Killed By Butchers of Woolwich

Lee Rigby, Soldier and Drummer, Killed By Butchers of Woolwich:

The U.K. Ministry of Defence has identified Wednesday's victim of the Woolwich psychopaths as Lee Rigby, father of a 2-year-old son and veteran of military campaigns from Cyprus to Afghanistan who was currently based in London as part of the drum corps.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Poorly Designed Employer Mandate Could Lead to Problematic Gaming

Poorly Designed Employer Mandate Could Lead to Problematic Gaming:
The bad design of the employer mandate in the Affordable Care Act has led some businesses to look at cutting part-time employee’s work to just under the 30 hour threshold, but that is  not the only loophole business could exploit. Because the new law does not apply the same standards to large businesses and self-insured companies they may theoretically avoid the mandate by offering what is basically just insurance in name only. From the Wall Street Journal:
But a close reading of the rules makes it clear that those mandates affect only plans sponsored by insurers that are sold to small businesses and individuals, federal officials confirm. That affects only about 30 million of the more than 160 million people with private insurance, including 19 million people covered by employers, according to a Citigroup Inc. report. Larger employers, generally with more than 50 workers, need cover only preventive services, without a lifetime or annual dollar-value limit, in order to avoid the across-the-workforce penalty. [...]
Administration officials confirmed in interviews that the skinny plans, in concept, would be sufficient to avoid the across-the-workforce penalty. Several expressed surprise that employers would consider the approach.
The Rube Goldberg nature of how people are supposed to get insurance under the Affordable Care Act creates a huge amount of bureaucratic waste and the potential for many to fall through the cracks. The maddening lack of consistent standards could end up causing much more damage.
Since the exchanges will be very small markets it is unlikely most large businesses will use this strategy. If even a modest number of companies use this to cheaply shift their least health insured employees onto the exchanges,  these companies could push up premiums to discourage use.
More importantly, President Obama’s most used justification for the law was to stop people from going “bankrupt if they get sick.” Most Americans who experience medical bankruptcy are actually underinsured not uninsured. By allowing large companies to underinsure employees the ACA will not stop medical bankruptcy.
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AP president calls on Obama to 'rein in' DOJ probe into wire service's records | Fox News

AP president calls on Obama to 'rein in' DOJ probe into wire service's records | Fox News:

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Friday, May 17, 2013

For Obama, it's no more Mr. Nice Media

For Obama, it's no more Mr. Nice Media: Howard Kurtz says with scandals over IRS, Benghazi and, especially, the administration's scrutiny of AP phone records, the press has turned on the president.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chris Matthews: No Longer “Glad” for Hurricane Sandy and the Reelection of Obama?

Chris Matthews: No Longer “Glad” for Hurricane Sandy and the Reelection of Obama?:
By John W. Lillpop

Chris Matthews is one of the major reasons that the US media is regarded with such contempt and disrespect by enlightened voters.

The redoubtable Matthews hit at all time low in stupidity, partisan groveling and fawning over Barack Obama last November 7 when, despite the loss of human life and billions of dollars of property damage wrought by Hurricane Sandy, the addled Matthews actually expressed how “glad” he was that the storm helped reelect Barack Obama.

As reported at the reference, Matthews spit and sputtered his descent into hell with the following idiotic statement:

“I'm so glad we had that storm last week…”

Six months and several major scandals later, Matthews appears to have had second thoughts about both Hurricane Sandy and her primary benefactor, the clueless Barack Obama.

As reported at reference 2:

Five years ago, MSNBC host Chris Matthews famously declared that then-presidential candidate Barack Obama gave him a "thrill up my leg." Now, amid two ongoing scandalous situations at the White House, Matthews said that the Obama presidency no longer has any "thrust."

For the last two days, Matthews has delivered blistering critiques of Obama. Matthews has combined his own frustration at Obama's inability to pass any of his agenda with the flap over the IRS and AP phone scandals that have developed over the past week.

"There's a reason the President's an easy target tonight," Matthews said on Tuesday, opening his show "Hardball."

"He's a ship with the engine off. He can go play golf, take Marine One up to Manhattan, but none of that matters. None of it. What matters is that he commands no big cause. There's no thrust to his presidency right now."
Actually, there IS a thrust to the Obama presidency, Chris. Unfortunately, Obama’s thrust would, if allowed to continue, transform America into third-world, failed state stuck in a quagmire of tyranny and failed Marxist principles, administered by anti-American liberal bureaucrats!

And THAT would be a tragedy of such huge proportions that even a Category 5 hurricane during an election would be unable to right the American ship!

The bottom line: Be careful what you give thanks for!

Ref 1

Ref 2:

Boston bomb suspect's nasty note

Boston bomb suspect's nasty note:
'F***' America,' Boston Marathon Bomb Suspect Wrote in Boat: OfficialsDzhokhar Tsarnaev left a message for America in the boat where he hid.

We Just Have to Take Holder’s Word That He Recused Himself From AP Case

We Just Have to Take Holder’s Word That He Recused Himself From AP Case:

One of the biggest developments from Attorney General Eric Holder’s grilling yesterday is that he apparently only orally recused himself from the controversial case involving the AP phone records. While Holder claims he believes he recused himself around June, during examination he admitted he never did so in writing with an explanation for his action. He doesn’t even remember the exact day.
I will leave it to others with more expertise to determine if he may have technically broken any laws or allowed his subordinates to break the las by assuming the powers of the AG without documentation officially giving that authority. What I do know is that this is a shocking violation of the principles of both good governance and basic management.
The point of a bureaucratic hierarchy is to have clear lines of responsibility. It is to know where the buck stops. It is to know who should and should not be held accountable if something goes wrong.
If the head of a government agency is going to remove themselves from this chain of responsibility on what is supposedly a “very serious” matter; it should in writing, dated, with a clear explanation of why, and explicit instruction about who responsibility has been handed off to. Otherwise proper accountability becomes impossible.
For the sake of argument, what if the DOJ violated the law in late June. There is no way to prove if it was before or after Holder recused himself. Memories are hazy and it would just be Holder’s word against someone else.
Without recusals being in writing there is nothing to stop someone from claiming, after the fact, that they had earlier “orally” recused themselves to avoid responsibility. Similarly, what is stopping subordinates who are caught assuming the powers of a superior from claiming they had the authority thanks to an undocumented “oral” recusal.
Holder is the head of America’s law enforcement,  not the assistant manager at a ice cream shop. Transfers of important responsibility need to be in writing, you don’t just shout “I’m recused” three times as the waning moon sets over the horizon.
It is absurd that I apparently did more paperwork to transfer legal authority over my broken 1997 Nissan than Holder did to transfer control of what he called one of the most important leak investigations of his tenure.
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Obama: 'I Certainly Did Not Know' What The IRS Was Doing

Obama: 'I Certainly Did Not Know' What The IRS Was Doing:
The targeting of some conservative groups for extra scrutiny from the IRS has ignited a political firestorm in Washington.
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Monday, May 13, 2013

North Korea Releases Another Wild Statement As US Carrier Hits Korean Waters

North Korea Releases Another Wild Statement As US Carrier Hits Korean Waters:
USS Nimitz
So the American U.S.S. Nimitz carrier started annual training in the waters off the Korean Peninsula. Concurrently, South Korean president Park Geun-hye toured the U.S.
Wasting no time, North Korea released another apocalyptic statement via state-run news agency KCNA: 
What matters is that as soon as the chief executive of South Korea visited her American master and flew home after confirming "closer alliance", she invited huge U.S. aggression forces to south Korea for provocative saber-rattling.
And their statement about the U.S. carrier read like something out of Homer's Odyssey:
The heroic revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK will never pardon the provocateurs but throw into the bottom of the sea the U.S. carrier and other aggressor forces if they dare come in attack on the DPRK.
While the DPRK calls the exercises "a grave military provocation to unleash a nuclear war,” the U.S. forces carefully note that they will only last two days and take place in non-territorial waters.
Despite looking ready to launch, the DPRK recently packed its Musudan missiles back into warehouses in what many analysts saw as a stepping back from the military brinksmanship that dominated prior months.
SEE ALSO: Everything you need to know about the USS Nimitz >

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